*Best way to maintain security is to stay active in politics. Pay attention to what Ottawa(or whoever governing you) is doing and vote out the people who don't stand up for your rights.
*Data ends up in huge databases, managed by private or public organizations containing outdated, private, illegally obtained, and/or wrong information about you.
*Surveillance. If we do it to strangers it's illegal stalking. If we do it online, with a computer between us and our "target", and we work for a big organization for the purpose of profit, it becomes okay.
*Instead of working on fixing the infrastructure (also known as the internet in general), our leaders increase the offensive capabilities, because we believe that the best defense is attack.
*Problem is that there is a disconnect between those who understand the internet and those who create policy. There is a rush to make new laws without first considering all of the technological implications. This is partially our fault as techies, living in our own circle of people in the know, scoffing at the ignorant masses. Hollywood had also contributed to this by making most scenes involving computers/hackers seem mystical and beyond the understanding of your average person. And this may be right, but only because basic concepts like Domain Name System and Virtual Private Network are just words with no meaning to most people. How can we safeguard something against bad legislation when your averaged voter knows nothing about it?
*Requires educating the public on the basic structure of the internet we all use, and internet safety campaigns.
*Requires the government to prioritize information security and continue to foster an internal culture of security, also employing engineers and researchers to continue to provide effective cyber defense.
*Protect security researchers, so that when they disclose vulnerabilities to companies, they aren't told to STFU or face their army of lawyers. Additional laws to protect responsible disclosure.
*REAL security, not pseudo security.
*Limit the amount of data you require from your customers. Birthdays, credit cards on file..
*..Cont again as I think on this topic..
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